25 Best Plants for Hanging Planters (Indoors or Outdoors)
We’ve chosen the 25 best plants for hanging planters and have listed them here for you.
There’s something so appealing about lush hanging planters with trailing leaves and fragrant blooms!
However, not all plants thrive in this type of pot. Choosing only the best plants for hanging planters is important to ensure all your work pays off.
What are the best plants for hanging planters?
There are many plant options, but it’s essential to find one suitable for your home.

Indoor plants are a little easier since they thrive in warmer, more sheltered conditions.
Outdoor plant options may vary depending on your growing region.
And sometimes, you may need to store your outdoor hanging plants indoors during the winter.
There are so many beautiful plants to choose from that will look good with their foliage trailing from above.
Whether you’re potting indoor or outdoor plants, here is a quick list of suggestions.
But be sure to read the characteristics and care details below this list.
- Christmas Cactus
- String of Pearls
- Little Swiss Monstera
- Chenille Plant
- Rope Hoya
- String of Hearts
- Philodendron Brasil
- Arrowhead plant
- Lipstick Vine
- Spider Plant
- Burro’s Tail
- Air Plant
- New Guinea Impatiens
- Wave Petunia
- Fan Flower
- Ivy Geranium
- Begonias
- Lady’s Eardrop
- Boston Fern
- Sweet Alyssum
- English Ivy
- Silver Falls Dichondra
- Cyclamen
- Creeping Jenny
- Trailing Lobelia
If you need some ideas on plants that do great outside during the winter, we’ve put together a nice list for you to check out after.
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Best Indoor Hanging Plants
Are you looking for the perfect plant to grow indoors? These are some of the best indoor hanging plants to brighten up any living room, bathroom, or kitchen.
Christmas Cactus | Schlumbergera

The Christmas cactus is one of the easiest plants for beginners to grow because they require little maintenance and tend to live a long time.
They are also great for hanging baskets as their long segmented stems fall naturally over the sides.
Since Christmas cacti love shade, be sure to find them a spot with partial shade and humidity. Water only when the first two inches of soil dry out.
String of Pearls | Senecio rowleyanus

This is easily the cutest hanging plant on the list. This unusual succulent produces small green orbs that dangle on a vine.
The name really says it all, and this trailing plant is eye-catching and easy to care for.
The string of pearls plant loves bright, indirect light and warm conditions.
Find a sunny spot with about 6-8 hours of indirect light daily. However, they can also be grown outdoors in temperate areas.
Little Swiss Monstera | Monstera adansonii

Although the full-sized Monstera plant requires a bit more floor space, the Little Swiss Monstera is absolutely perfect for growing in a hanging basket.
This trendy plant, also known as the Swiss Cheese plant, naturally grows small holes in its arrow-shaped leaves.
This plant prefers medium to bright, indirect light and higher-than-normal humidity. It would be perfect for hanging in your bathroom.
Chenille Plant | Acalypha hispida

With cat-tail-like flowering clusters that bloom for a long time, this is a plant most homeowners are thrilled with.
It likes a bit of humidity but only needs a moderate amount of sunlight and water.
The chenille plant will look amazing used as an accent color, and add some texture to a space.
Let this hang from a main front window for eye-catching glances from passersby on the street and entering guests.
Rope Hoya | Hoya carnosa (compacta)

Hoyas are one of the best plants for hanging planters because they naturally grow long, curly vines.
They have an unusual, rope-like appearance that adds a lot of texture and visual detail to whichever room they’re in.
Hoyas are different from most other plants as they prefer to be rootbound in small pots.
This means they are great for adding to a small hanging basket in a tight area like a reading nook or kitchen window.
String of Hearts | Ceropegia woodii ‘variegata’

As the name implies, this plant has vine-like strings with heart-shaped leaves that appear attached to the string as they trail down the vine.
When it blossoms, the flowers can be white to pale purple. The trailing flowers make this another perfect outdoor hanging planter specimen.
Being that the string of hearts is a semi-succulent, it doesn’t survive colder temperatures and should be indoors in most climates.
Its preference is filtered light, but it can also take a lot of sunlight. Don’t water this often. Let it dry out between waterings.
Philodendron Brasil | Philodendron hederaceum

With gorgeous, green heart-shaped leaves that become variegated with medium to bright light, the philodendron Brasil is a good choice for your hanging planter!
These plants love warm conditions and humidity, so keep these indoors –only water approximately once per week or when the soil begins to dry out.
Arrowhead Plant | Syngonium podophyllum

Named for its arrow-shaped leaves, the arrowhead plant is one of the most popular plants for hanging pots.
It produces angular vines that spill out of whichever container they are in.
They look beautiful as indoor planters that hang and are perfect in a spot with bright, indirect sunlight and high humidity.
Lipstick Vine | Aeschynanthus

This gorgeous plant has leaves that tumble over the edge of a hanging planter.
Flowers will blossom at the ends in tubular shapes in fancy lipstick colors of magenta, red, and orange.
The lipstick vine really is a striking plant that makes a bold statement. It needs bright but indirect sunlight and regular watering.
Spider Plant | Chlorophytum comosum

Chances are you’ve seen spider plants in hanging baskets because their long, grass-like leaves naturally droop outward like a shaggy mane.
These plants are lovely with their green and white leaves.
Cats are drawn to this non-toxic plant for its hallucinogenic effect (similar to catnip), so you’ll appreciate having this one hanging out of your cat’s reach.
Burro’s Tail | Sedum morganianum

This perennial succulent is known for its abundance of small, triangular leaves that give each vine the appearance of being braided or like an animal’s tail.
In the wild, this plant grows in harsh, vertical conditions like ravines and cliffs. This makes the burro’s tail ideal for hanging in planters.
Plus, it’s easy to care for, requiring bright sunlight, a little shade, and water only when the soil is dry.
Air Plant | Tillandsia

Tillandsias, commonly known as air plants, are one of the most exciting hanging plants to display because they do not need soil to survive!
Try hanging yours in a glass bubble or geometric terrarium.
For best results, keep your air plant in a warm room, and be sure to give it a good soak once per week.
Best Plants For Hanging Planters Outdoors
Try one of these hanging plant options if you’re trying to add color and texture to an outdoor space, such as a porch or patio.
Afterward, check out this list of 40 great DIY patio ideas!
New Guinea Impatiens | Impatiens hawkeri

These bright, cheery flowers are one of the best hanging plants for outdoors.
They can tolerate some direct sunlight and bloom consistently from late spring through early fall.
Like petunias and geraniums, impatiens are annual flowers you will need to replant yearly. They’re so worth it for the color, though!
Wave Petunias | Petunia x hybrida

These colorful flowers are a hanging basket staple.
Typically quite showy, wave petunias usually come in white, pink, purple, or red hues, including some with stripes.
Find wave petunias at your local garden center. As annuals, you will need to replant these each spring.
Display your petunias in full sun, and water them daily.
Fan Flower | Scaevola

These aren’t well known in the US yet, but you’ll see them more as they become trendy.
With its descending, full stems and bright pops of color against a dark green leafy backdrop, the scaevola was a great choice for showing off the DIY grapevine hanging basket planter we made.
An important tip –these are perennials only in zones 9-11 and are annuals elsewhere.
Ivy Geraniums | Pelargonium peltatum

Red geraniums are a classic plant to grow in pots on your front porch. Their relatives, ivy geraniums, also look great, featured in your hanging baskets.
These gorgeous flowers naturally trail out of your hanging baskets, similar to ivy plants.
Several versions of ivy geraniums include cascading geraniums that truly have a magnificent cascading effect out of their planter.
These annual plants love the sun, and some varieties, like the cascading geraniums, are tolerant to high heat conditions
Begonias | Begoniaceae

Stunning begonias take any planter that hangs to the next level and are definitely one of the best plants for hanging planters. They come in wide varieties and colors, and their blooms are subtle and very pretty.
They require careful care and prefer cool nights and moist (never soggy or dry) soil conditions.
Lady’s Eardrops | Fuchsia

Lady’s eardrops are incredibly showy and great for hanging planters.
They come in a range of colors pink, purple, red, and white. Best of all, they’re very forgiving and flexible plants.
Plant your lady’s eardrop in a hanging planter, basket, window box, or really anywhere else.
They are a shade plant but love indirect light all day long.
Boston Fern | Nephrolepis exaltata

These huge, lush ferns are a classic and iconic hanging plant.
They become these large balls of green foliage that immediately class up any front porch.
Although the Boston or sword fern is a great outdoor hanging plant, it is also one of the best indoor plants.
hey love indirect light and warm conditions, so they’d be just as happy in your kitchen as on your porch.
Sweet Alyssum | Lobularia maritima

The delicate white flowers and the gorgeous honey scent of sweet alyssum make this flower a gardener’s favorite.
Alyssum is great for various planting purposes, like filling window planters and pots or even as a companion plant in your vegetable garden.
The tall stems of the alyssum plant fall over when they reach a certain height, which gives them a long, drapey look.
Plus, alyssum often self-seeds. After your first planting goes to seed, those fallen seeds will germinate, too.
This makes alyssum a very low-maintenance plant.
English Ivy | Hedera helix

Ivy plants are notorious for taking over their display space and damaging siding and roofs.
However, you can enjoy English ivy and keep it from wreaking havoc by planting it in your hanging pots.
The dark, arrow-shaped leaves drape in the most beautiful, romantic way.
Ivy loves shade, so it’s best to keep it under a covered porch or on a shady side of your house.
Silver Falls Dichondra | Dichondra argentea

This Texas native is a trailing plant with small, fan-shaped silver-grey leaves and is one of my favorites.
It pours over the side of any container and resembles a silver waterfall.
This sun-loving plant can handle hot and dry weather, including drought conditions.
Silver falls dichondra can tolerate some humidity but prefers to be dry. In cool areas, it will need to come inside during the cold months.
Cyclamen | Primulaceae

Cyclamen is one of the best plants for hanging planters because it blooms only during the coldest months of the year!
Known for its butterfly-like blooms, sturdy stems, and heart-shaped leaves, cyclamen has one of the most beautiful winter flowers.
Hang it in a place with indirect light and bottom water only when the soil is dry.
Creeping Jenny | Lysimachia nummularia

As the name implies, Jenny is a creeping plant that hangs with a vine-like effect, making it a fantastic choice for window boxes or hanging planters.
Though it likes to be moist, it’s pretty low maintenance and tolerates various sunlight conditions. It has gorgeous little yellow flowers that bloom in the summer.
Trailing Lobelia | Erinus

Trailing lobelia is a lush flowering plant that cascades over the side of a hanging pot. To get the most blooms, place this in full sunlight.
While our photo shows the plant with blue flowers, there are also lobelias with white flowers. So if you want blue, be sure to specify a blue lobelia.
These are native to warm climates and are perennials in zones 9-11, and annuals in zones up to 8.
If you love the look of trailing plants, this article will tell you which are the best climbing types of plants for trellises.
What is the easiest outdoor hanging plant to grow?
Ferns are one of the oldest plants in the world, and they tend to grow easily in various areas.
Try growing the Boston or sword fern, or you can branch out into maidenhair and other types. Be sure to find a shady spot to make your fern happy.
Impatiens, fuschia, and geraniums are also easy to grow and produce vibrant blooms.
Impatiens thrive in the shade, but fuschia and geraniums are happy in the sun.
What month do you plant hanging baskets?
For outdoor hanging baskets, it’s important to plant at the right time. If you plant too early, the plants may struggle to thrive in the cool spring temperatures.
If you plant too late in the summer, the roots may only get a chance to grow after the heat of the sun strains the plants.
The best time to plant is typically around April. Be sure to avoid frost conditions or plan to care for the new plants until the temperatures rise.
Many home gardeners skip starting their seeds and instead pick up flats of plant starts for annuals, like petunias and geraniums.
Plant starts are typically already hardened off as they are outdoors and, therefore, can be planted as soon as you get them home.
Do hanging baskets need to be watered every day?
The answer to this question varies. For most indoor plants, succulents, and warm-weather plants, it’s essential only to water them when the first 2 inches of soil feel dry.
Excess moisture can spread disease and cause the plants to rot.
However, many other plants require ample fresh water daily, especially since hanging baskets dry out much more quickly than soil.
Water your flowering hanging baskets every morning until water starts dripping out of the bottom of the container.
There are so many amazing plants that grow well in hanging planters. The secret is to pick a plant, pick a spot, and try it out.
Take a drive through your neighborhood and notice which plants your neighbors have outdoors (or indoors). You’ll likely see some of the options from this post!
If the plants seem healthy, this is a good sign that they’re also a great option for your home.
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