HomeHolidayDIY Wine Cork Grape Bunch Ornament

DIY Wine Cork Grape Bunch Ornament

I’ll show you how to make a simple DIY wine cork grape ornament. This cute bunch grapes hangs on your Christmas tree.

I love the idea of using natural and re-purposed materials to adorn a tree. You can paint the ends of the cork in any color, experiment a little.

I made these into the shape of wine grapes, but you can play around with any shapes. How about a cat or an owl?

Wine Cork Grape Bunch Ornament

For another great wine cork ornament tutorial, check out my wine cork planter ornaments.

 DIY Difficulty Level | Easy

Materials For Making A DIY Wine Cork Grape Bunch Ornament

  • 11 wine corks
  • hot glue sticks
  • acrylic paint- purple and red
  • Organza ribbon- green
  • Headpin or eye pin (trimmed shorter)
  • Glitter
  • Hot glue gun
  • Scissors

DIY Wine Cork Grape Bunch Ornament Tutorial Steps

diagram for gluing the cork pieces

Step 1

Follow the diagram and begin by gluing from the bottom of the grape bunch. Glue wine corks #1 and #2 together and then separately, glue corks #3 to #4.

Step 2

Now glue the first set of corks (#1 and #2) to the second set of corks (#3 and #4) to make a T shape, but rotate corks 1 & 2 at an angle for a more natural look.

Step 3

Next, glue cork #’s 5, 6, 7 to each other, then glue those to #3 and #4.

Step 4

Finally, repeat step 3  for wine cork #’s 8, 9, 10, 11.

cork grape bunch ornament DIY

Step 5 & 6. Paint And Decorate

painted ends

Paint the ends. I mixed a little red with purple to get a nice wine color. Now sprinkle just a tiny amount of glitter to the ends while the paint is still wet.

Step 7. Add The Hanger

Looped ribbon

Add a ribbon to the grape bunch for hanging. Cut a piece of ribbon about 14″ long and then make a loop and where it meets in the middle, be sure to leave a couple of inches so you can curl the ends.

Now add glue where your pieces meet, then glue that to the top, center of the grape bunch.

Step 8. Add The Curly Q To The Wine Cork Grape Ornament

With the remaining couple of inches, curl the ends with scissors by holding the ribbon between your thumb and the sharp side of the scissors and scrape the ribbon against the edge.

Step 9. Fasten The Ribbon

grape bunch tree ornament made from wine corks

Double secure the ribbon so it will hang without coming loose by pressing a head pin through the glued part of the ribbon.

If you have resistance, twist it gently as you push in.

Wine Cork Grape Bunch Ornament

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